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發表於 2016-1-4 09:00:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Our reporter Liu Baijun
Lifts open at the construction site construction worker money Shiyuan, accidentally falling into the elevator shaft. Had a narrow escape, she broke into a few into a vegetative state disability need lifelong care. Later, elevator construction side do not want to bear responsibility, money Shiyuan helpless under the relevant units to court, claims 186 million yuan. Not long ago, Wuhua District People's Court of Kunming, Yunnan Province in the north gate of the court, Yunnan University of Finance and public hearing the case.
Women inexplicably falling elevator hoistway
Last May, the money employed in Kunming Thai Yang Shiyuan Building Management Co., Ltd.,peuterey spaccio, in the Southern District Tianjiao Mountain site in construction work (open lifts). July 12, work at the site of the money Shiyuan suddenly "disappeared", looking at my colleagues,http: portal ?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-4611,woolrich outlet, and finally found her in Tianjiao Mountain 2 1 Unit 1 floor indoor elevator shaft, after being sent to hospital for treatment .
Money Shiyuan head, lungs and so many seriously injured. After hospital treatment, although a narrow escape, but the injury is too heavy, the identification reach a disability, a few into a vegetative state, in whole need for lifelong care. Meanwhile, health care costs money Shiyuan reached 46 million yuan.
Because money Shiyuan loss of speech function, how she fell into the elevator shaft is unknown. Later, due to the construction side do not want to bear responsibility for the elevator, four companies will be related to money Shiyuan - Shanghai Fuji Elevator Co., Ltd., Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., Ltd., Kunming Tai Yang construction management company, Sichuan Yatai Construction Co., Ltd. are court, the defendant damages claim 4 1,866,779.22 yuan.
Are there precautions site
Evidence of the plaintiff's agent issued a show, after the accident, Wuhua innings, developers, construction, elevator installation and other units of the accident made the finds: Live no protective measures, its existing fence is after the accident installation, and the accident site no lighting, dark.
The plaintiff's agent believes that according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Law and Tort Liability Act, the defendant Shanghai Fuji Elevator Co., Ltd., Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., Ltd. as a construction unit of the elevator, in the construction process of the security risk without setting up clear signs and adopting safety protective measures to deal with civil liability the plaintiff's loss. Kunming Tai Yang Building Management Co.,scarpe hogan outlet, Ltd. as the plaintiff's employer, the law should bear corresponding civil liability.
Shanghai Fuji Elevator Co., Ltd., Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., argued that their actions are consistent with the relevant security and safety management system, the incident set the safety signs. Day of the incident did not turn on the lights, because that day because of "out and work stoppage", turn off the power comply with fire safety regulations. "On the day,?pid=69266 index.php index.php, the plaintiff did not wear a helmet to enter the incident occurred, not pay attention to her own safety, fall in the hoistway itself with gross negligence."
There is an agreement with Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., Ltd. signed a construction management company Kunming Tai Yang said that the plaintiff's injuries not related to work,, the company did not at the accident site had any work contract, without any fault. "This incident should be one,?mod=space&uid=756, two defendants liable. On the day the plaintiff himself into the construction site, as a professional construction workers,?mod=space&uid=2755, their safety awareness is not strong, the damage caused by himself should be held accountable."
As Sichuan Yatai civil contractor Construction Co., said the plaintiff is not the company's employees, there is no legal relationship, elevator hidden has nothing to do with them, this matter should not bear responsibility.
Whether civil surrender before the accident
During the trial, the plaintiff said the agent, as the third defendant Kunming Tai Yang construction management company,?pid=470137#p470137, the fourth defendant Sichuan Yatai Construction Co.,bracciale tiffany, the court on the basis of a comprehensive evidence, facts, can decree that it does not bear responsibility for Tam less responsibility.
By reason of the plaintiff, the Kunming Tai Yang construction management company, Sichuan Yatai Construction Co. was responsible for the elevator installation civil works March 20,, 2011 transferred to Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., Ltd., and on the transfer list has signed by both parties responsible person, nothing to do with the accident.
Shanghai Fuji Elevator Co., Ltd., Kunming, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Service Co., argued that although the sub-surrender charge of the signatory, but not sealed, are "invalid surrender." The real transfer was July 19, 2011, the transfer again after the accident.
After the trial,?mod=viewthread&tid=18310,tiffany gioielli, the court in a few comments after the party, the original defendant, agreed to mediation. Mediation involves several parties because the parties have not reached a settlement agreement on the spot.
(Original title: workers falling elevator shaft causing a disability claims 1.86 million)
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