英國殿堂級搖滾歌手大衛寶兒(DavidBowie)因癌症逝世,終年69歲,他與癌病抗爭18個月,於英國時間1月10日周日在家人陪伴下安詳離世,其facebook專頁於香港時間今日下午 2時30分公布:「David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his familyafter a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share inthis loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time ofgrief.」
英國殿堂級搖滾歌手大衛寶兒(David Bowie)因癌症逝世,終年69歲,他與癌病抗爭18個月,於英國時間1月10日周日在家人陪伴下安詳離世,其facebook專頁於香港時間今日下午2時30分公布:「David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief.」 - See more at: http://ol.mingpao.com/php/showbi ... thash.Bperew7q.dpuf